
Colin Smith is a national award-winning second-generation master farrier who is qualified both in the United Kingdom and here in Australia. His qualifications include Farriery, Blacksmithing, agricultural engineering and as an educational facilitator teaching students the skills needed to be an Australian farrier.
As a farrier and facilitator of educational programs have included Racing Victoria, The Hong Kong Jockey club, The Singapore Turf Club, and the Malaysian Equine Council.

For over forty-six years Colin has been part of the equine hoof care industry, as a farrier, and tool maker. Twenty-two as farriery a facilitator, teacher, curriculum consultant, and workplace assessor in the Equine hoof care industry in Australia
Now a change of direction from teaching he has returned to his workshop to service Farriers, hoof care specialists, and veterinarians by manufacturing Hoof nippers/cutters and nipper rebuild nipper service, offering advice and customer service.